About The Firm

Singer & Levick, P.C. is a law firm committed to providing responsive, efficient, and quality legal representation


Over the past several decades, Singer & Levick, P.C. has built a highly successful practice providing responsive, efficient, and quality legal representation.

Over the past two decades, Singer & Levick, P.C. has built a highly successful practice providing responsive, efficient, and quality legal representation. Our principal practice areas are bankruptcy and reorganization, banking and financing, business litigation, corporate and business transactions, labor and employment, oil and gas, commercial real estate, and appellate practice. Our firm’s structure and approach enable us to provide legal services on a personal and economic basis. Our services are provided to a broad range of diverse clients who have the common desire to be represented by effective attorneys who can deliver desired results.

Singer & Levick, P.C. makes it a priority to keep our clients fully informed about the status of their matters and we provide our services promptly, economically, efficiently and with care. We will never lose sight of the fact that the client’s interests are best served by keeping legal costs manageable, while still getting the best result possible.


Contact Us

  • Singer & Levick, P.C. makes it a priority to keep our clients fully informed about the status of their matters and we provide our services promptly, economically, efficiently and with care.